Unless stated otherwise, assume the material used in the campaign is consistent with the "canon" pages onf Wookiepedia, or "legends" pages where there is no canon page or the canon page is very limited. Except for Bothans, because they are not canon as of 2024 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Wook editors are so silly.
The campaign starts at roughly the beginning of 17 BBY (which his 17 years before Luke blows up the Death Star - that's the dating system we use. There are some other in-canon dating systems but those haven't stuck among fans and Wookiepedia editors - and neither George Lucas nor Mickey Mouse particularly cared). As of 17 BBY it has been two years since the Clone Wars ended. The Galactic Empire reigns over almost all of the known galaxy - exempting Wild Space, and technically Hutt Space. As of this period the Stormtroopers have not yet been fully deployed, but will soon arrive.
Ali and his family are from a Zygerrian minority religion called Pashrati. They are strictly anti-slavery, which has locked them out of planetary power for as long as they've existed. They are geographically concentrated on a few cities. They include not just Zygerrians but also various freedpeople of species that had been enslaved by the majority group. During the Clone Wars they fought against the renewed Slave Empire, but since then haven't been very friendly to the Empire.
Ichta's existence off Geonosis is extremely illegal under the Empire's laws. He cannot wander the galaxy, and takes steps to hide his identity and species when in public. He'll often tell people he's a Verpine or something.
Rodia has quasi-ethnic clans which form the basis of political participation in the state. For a long time they would engage in low level conflicts that would result in casualties, including deaths, but were semi-symbolic. The dictator Navik the Red escalated a conflict around 17 BBY with support from the Empire. Going beyond normal neighborhood fights, he pursued full on warfare in an attempt to ethnically cleanse the Tetsu clan. The players helped some refugees escape, but decided not pursue their path further into the galaxy - the NPCs for Clan Tetsu were kind of annoying and standoffish, and a bit violent for the players.
We don't serve their kind here! We promise to never post AI generated art on this website!