Welcome to Star Wars: Shards of the Republic - a /SWCO/ production
Hello There. This is a story called Shards of the Republic, which I can tell you. Shards of the Republic is a SW5e campaign between 6 to 10 friends (people join and leave) set in the start of the third year of the Reign of the Galactic Empire in Star Wars during the year 17 BBY. The Galactic Empire was a powerful regime that had emerged from the Republic after the Clone Wars. Many people who were enemies, friends or neglected subjects of the Republic were lost in the rise of the New Order. If you think certain things in this tale are not true or contradict other stories you like, then you can disbelieve them but you should keep reading - you might like the whole story in the end. But all of this is true, according to what I recall.
Materials used in making this campaign
- SW5E, a total conversion of DnD 5E for Star Wars. Be warned, a lot of it is a 1 to 1 conversion, particularly magic to force powers, so force powers can get pretty crazy (teleportation???). Has a character creation tool that I think was vital for getting the campaign off the ground so that new players could build characters without too much GM hand holding.
- Compliation of various Star Wars Fan Work resources by Caco.
- Forge of the Nightscale adventure module by LordBiggles (found through SW5E discord server) (based on DnD module).
- Heists and Holocrons anthology by J_Elliot (found through SW5E discord server), converted from DnD adventures
- Fisto's Codex of monster stat blocks, by legobis, with credits to Galiphile, OffWorldHero, LordFontijin, Thornefield (found through SW5E discord server).
- Escape from Mos Shuuta by Andrejovic (found through SW5e discord server).
- Murder on the Merciful by J_Elliot (found through SW5e discord server).
- Compliation of most of the above adventures
- r/Star_Wars_Maps - lots of great stuff here by dedicated artists doing a fantastic job!!!!
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